蒙哥马利县社区学院致力于为学生提供平等的入学机会 《bet36365体育网站》第504条规定的教育项目 Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities 是根据具体情况而定的,可能需要特定的文件. Please consult 与两所学校的残疾服务部门联系,以确定是否需要提供相关文件 以评估您对合理住宿的具体要求.

Disability documentation should confirm the existence of a disabling condition; describe the assessment/ evaluation method that was used to arrive at the diagnosis; identify current deficits that cause limitations, preferably in a college setting; and relate 目前情况对每个要求住宿的影响. Documentation 必须是有抬头的信笺,注明最近评估的日期, 并附上评价者或专业人士的签名、头衔和证书 who prepared the documentation. Documentation must be provided by a licensed professional, 有资格在残疾的特定领域作出诊断,但与残疾无关 to the student. 记录的类型可能包括心理学,神经心理学, 心理教育,或精神评估,个人教育计划,504 计划,绩效总结(SOP),以及合格的医疗和心理医生的信件 health professionals. 单独的IEP、SOP或504计划通常是不够的文件 for higher education; please consult specific guidelines below. Physician’s prescription pad notes are not acceptable. While Disability Service invites and welcomes recommendations 残疾服务机构有责任提供住宿 有权决定学院的合理住宿条件.

以下残疾类别并不详尽,学生应该始终 就残疾人士的具体要求,向残疾人士服务处谘询 住宿条件以及是否需要提供相关文件. Please present 这些指导方针将提供学院所需的专业人员 documentation.

Learning disability documentation

学习障碍的证明文件,最好在入学的三年内 该学院应包括以下领域的当前功能水平:

  • Cognitive functioning
  • Academic achievement in reading, writing, and mathematics
  • Information processing; processing speed and fluency; memory; and executive functioning

The documentation should also include:

  • List of tests administered
  • Summary of diagnostic interview and relevant history
  • A clear statement diagnosing LD
  • 支持诊断的数据和分析,包括标准分数和百分位数
  • 讨论加工的优势和劣势,以及目前是否存在缺陷 cause substantial limitations to academic functioning
  • 建议合理安排以弥补赤字的理由.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Documentation

注意缺陷多动障碍的文件,最好是在大学入学的三年内 include the following:

  • 明确的ADHD诊断,严重程度,以及最近一次评估的日期
  • 描述用于诊断的方法、标准和测试(如果有的话)
  • Description of current symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria
  • 总结相关历史、评估结果及对学习的影响
  • 讨论当前症状是否对学习造成实质性限制
  • 建议合理安排以弥补赤字的理由.

Students with ADHD may submit the ADHD Verification Form (PDF), fully completed by a qualified professional.


心理残疾证明,最好在入学三年内 at the college, should include the following information:

  • DSM诊断(如果适用),严重程度和最近评估的日期
  • 描述用于诊断的方法、标准和测试(如果有的话)
  • Description of current symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria
  • 总结相关历史、评估结果及对学习的影响
  • 讨论当前症状是否对学习造成实质性限制
  • 建议合理安排以弥补赤字的理由.

Students with Mental Health disorders may submit the Mental Health Verification Form (PDF), fully completed by a qualified professional.

Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may submit the ASD Verification Form (PDF), completed in full by a qualified professional.


有身体残疾、慢性疾病或视力或听力障碍的学生 残障人士可能需要提供资料,以支持一个合理的要求 accommodation. 该文件必须是由适当的评估的书面报告 professional (e.g.(医生、物理或职业治疗师、听力学家) 将当前状况的影响与所要求的住宿联系起来. The following information should be included:

  • 明确的诊断、严重程度和最近检查的日期
  • 描述用于诊断的方法、标准和测试(如果有的话)
  • 相关病史、检查结果和当前症状的总结
  • 讨论是否有任何表现的条件目前引起实质性的 在大学环境中学习或发挥作用的限制
  • The expected duration or progression of the condition
  • 建议合理安排以弥补赤字的理由.

有身体、慢性健康或感官障碍的学生可以提交 Physical, Chronic Health, and Sensory Verification form (PDF) completed in full by a qualified professional.

Traumatic or Acquired Brain Injury

文件必须由有执照的医生、神经科医生、心理学家提交 or neuropsychologist. Documentation should be current, preferably within the last three years; (the age of acceptable documentation is dependent upon the recency of the injury and student’s current functional status).

  • 清楚说明脑损伤和可能的损伤部位
  • 所使用的认知和成就措施的总结和评估结果包括 standardized scores, or percentiles used to make the diagnosis.
  • Description of strengths and weaknesses; identification of substantial limitations to learning
  • 符合诊断标准的当前残留症状的总结
  • 与学生需求相关的医疗信息应包括药物的影响
  • 建议合理安排以弥补赤字的理由.